Friday, September 24, 2010

Fashion Concepts

These are some ideas for some dark characters im creating. They will be heavy on fashion but mixed with sci fi and fantasy.

JONNY Quest Ideas

Im a big fan of the old school cartoons I wanted to do some concept sketches and create my own interpretation of the Jonny Quest series.

More sketches

I just felt like drawing this girl but quickly got bored. she was just another cintiq sketch.
I figured out a way to to sketch in illustrator using my cintiq. You can set the strokes to automatically clean up crooked lines to the nearest curve or shape. I drew this dragon/creature from the black lagoonish character. Im still getting use to it Ill have to find the time to practice with it.

Random Sketches

Heres a few doodles I did on the cintiq using sketchbook pro. Its my favorite program to draw with on the iMac.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Its Drac! This is vector sketch I did in Illustrator, its really fun to mess with the transparencies.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Stereotykes iphone App is here and available for purchase on itunes
33 pages of sketches and illustrations all on your iphone!